In order to promote the beauties of nature, the twinning project printed 3 brochures: 1) Potential Natura 2000 area SP Prespa Lake, 2) Questions and...
The beauties of nature
In the Ezerani Nature Park, on the Prespa lake, there are many beauties of nature, far from our view.
Brochure on coexistence with large carnivores
WWF, within the framework of the EU LIFE+ project, has issued a new brochure under the title “European perspectives on coexistence with large carnivores. more...
Birds Directive brochures
The European Commission has published a brochure on the Birds Directive, which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year More details at the link:…/wildbirds/40%20yrs%20Birds%20Brochure…...
Celebrated May 22 – World Day of Biological Diversity
The Ministry of Education and Culture promoted the National Strategy for Nature Protection with an Action Plan (2017-2027) and the National Strategy for Biodiversity (2018-2023)....
Natura 2000 Day celebrated
With presentations and practical activities in which students from primary and secondary schools from Berovo, Pehchevo and Delchevo took part, May 21 – the European...
Natura and Tourism
The Ezerani nature park together with the nature monument Prespa Lake are a wonderful treasure of living world and with great potential for a future...
Protecting Europe’s biodiversity