June 5

“NATURA 2000…PER NATYRËN…PER NJERËZIT” ndaj natyrës – specie prioritare në pellgun ujëmbledhës të Bregalnicës Llojet e kafshëve dhe bimëve janë gjithashtu të rëndësishme për procesin...

Capacity building

Hari Karjalainen, an expert from Finland within the framework of the Twinning project “Strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of European legislation in the field...


A new Workshop was organized in the InfoCentre of the Public Institution National Park Pelister, aiming to coordinate activities among partners for developing of the...

Natura 2000 for nature and for people

Under the motto “Natura 2000…for Nature…for People” on 05 April 2019, in the hotel Porta in Skopje was held the first stakeholder’s workshop for the Natura 2000 Process...