Within the EU Twinning Project: “Strengthening the capacities for the effective implementation of the acquis in the field of nature protection” (MK 13 IPA EN 02 17) in Component 3, aimed at strengthening the capacities for preparation of a methodology for monitoring of biodiversity and preparation of a National Program for monitoring of biodiversity, in the period from May 22nd to 25th on the territory of the Monument of Nature – Prespa Lake, field investigations were conducted for the purpose of inventorying (counting) of invertebrates, by using light traps, odour traps and pheromone traps, as well as box and foil traps. From the collected data, records are kept for each recorded type of insect, which enhances the database on insect diversity, primarily concerning the species of national and European importance. During the field visits, the methodology for assessing the level of conservation of their habitats was also tested. The employees of the Department for Environment and the Lake Prespa Monitoring Station in the Municipality of Resen gained practical experience for conducting monitoring, cooperating in the field with the representatives of the Department for Nature of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, 5 professional volunteers from Finland and 2 experts from the Finnish Institute of Environment.

Cloantha hyperici

Semiothisa clathrata

Orthosia gothica

Sphinx pinastri