Legal basis

At the EU level, nature and biodiversity are protected by several points of law. The start of this full commitment to nature protection dates back...

Useful links

European Union European Commission’s DG Environment – Nature & Biodiversity European Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism European Environment Agency Eurosite DG Environment Publications on Nature Directives and Natura 2000 Biodiversity information system for Europe – BISE Natura2000 Natura2000 Networking Programme EU Member States’ Natura2000 webpages Relevant Nature Conservation and Biodiversity Websites  Convention on Biological Diversity United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Environment Programme & World Conservation Monitoring Centre A – Z areas of biodiversity importance  European Centre for Nature Conservation ECRAN Project Crioatioan State institute for nature protection Institute...


FIFTH NATIONAL REPORT to the Convention on Biological Diversity of the Republic of Macedonia – Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning – Skopje, 2014


Study on revaluation of natural values of the protected area Monument of Nature “Matka Canyon” Study on revaluation of natural values of the protected area...


The Special Protected Areas (SPA) are established in accordance with the EU Birds Directive. Member States designate Special Protection Areas (SPAs) according to scientific criteria such as...


The Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are established according to the EU Habitats Directive.   The choice of sites is based on scientific criteria specified...