More information on the influence of Natura 2000 on the various segments in the country will be available soon.
Best practices
Managing conflicts between people and large carnivores in NATURA 2000 Similarly like in our country, the farmers in other European countries, especially in rural areas...
Partners and stakeholders
Natura 2000 is responsibility of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning. However, the measures of the Natura 2000 implementation is also interrelated with many...
Strategies and plans
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of the Republic of Macedonia
Legal basis in the country
Our country is a signatory to the following international conventions and agreements relevant to biodiversity protection: Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Particularly as Waterfowl...
Natural heritage in the country
Although small in territory, we are one of the richest countries in Europe in terms of biodiversity, resulting in a wealth of wild plants, fungi...
Life +
The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation,...

Training for Monitoring of Species of Amphibians and Reptiles
On a date 15.5.2019 the Twinning Project has organized a Training to the Ranger Unit and the management of the both protected area: Ezerani Nature...

Natura 2000 Network
Europe takes up less than 5% of the land surface of the Earth. However, it has a huge diversity of plants, animals and landscapes, some...