Linqe të dobishme

Unioni Europian European Commission’s DG Environment – Nature & Biodiversity European Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism European Environment Agency Eurosite DG Environment Publications on Nature Directives and Natura 2000 Biodiversity information system for Europe – BISE Natura2000 Natura2000 Networking Programme EU Member States’ Natura2000 webpages Faqet e internetit përkatëse për Ruajtjen e Natyrës dhe Biodiversitetin Convention on Biological Diversity United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Environment Programme & World Conservation Monitoring Centre A – Z areas of biodiversity importance ...


Broshurat The State of Nature in the EU – Reporting under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives 2007-2012 Date of Publication: 2015     (pdf 8MB) The EU...


FIFTH NATIONAL REPORT to the Convention on Biological Diversity of the Republic of Macedonia – Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning – Skopje, 2014